  • Telegram ID   @QuizBot
  • Category         Communication Utility
  • Status           Online
  • Last verified  Oct 26, 2023

Open Bot in Telegram

What can this bot do?

This bot helps you to create quizzes with several multiple choice questions. You can add extra media or text to questions and set a time limit. Once the quiz is done, you can share it to groups or invite users to answer the questions individually in the chat with the bot.


/start: To start the bot.
/newquiz: Create a new quiz.
/quizzes: Show your quizzes.
/lang: Choose your language.
/stop: Stop the active quiz.

How to use bot?

Just follow below simple steps.

Click on START to start the bot.

QuizBot 1

Click on create new quiz and give title.

QuizBot step 2

Choose create quiz option from Menu and give question details and option like below

QuizBot step 3

Similarly create any number of quizzes. Those will be added to the title. When finished send /done to complete.

QuizBot step 4

You can share the quiz in a group or share a link to the user to answer the quiz in bot.

QuizBot step 5

Once the quizzes are attempted, results will be shown like below:

QuizBot step 6

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