Now browse all of the reddit pics, gifs, videos, cats, memes and much more right on Telegram.
Reddgram Features:
1️⃣ Subscriptions - Subscribe to any subreddit by using /sub subreddit_name and unsubscribe using /unsub subreddit_name
2️⃣ Import subreddits - Import your subreddits from as Subscriptions and get posts from them regularly. check /import.
3️⃣ Best Answer - For r/explainlikeimfive subreddit, see the best answer for a Question.
4️⃣ Multi Mode - Fetch multiple threads at a time. eg. /jokes hot 5
5️⃣ Emoji Mode - A new way to browse subreddits, the emoji way.
6️⃣ Multireddit - Combine multiple subreddits and browse your own multireddit. eg. /gifs+pics+videos
/start: To start the bot.
/help: Get info on how to use the bot.
/popular: Popular hot thread from random subreddit.
/random: Random thread from random subreddit.
Just follow below simple steps.
Click on START to start the bot.
Send /sub followed by subreddit name to subscribe for alerts.
You can also view subreddit posts without following by sending a subreddit name.
You can also fetch multiple threads at a time.