Open Bot in Telegram

What can this bot do?

@ControllerBot is a great bot for channel owners to help you generate wealthy posts, opinions and more.
- Scheduled posts
- Reactions and inlne-keyboards
- Subscriber stats
- Multile administrators


/start: To start the bot.
/newchannel: Add new channel.
/mychannel: Edit your channel.
/newpost: To create new post.
/web: To create post on controller bot website.
/setting: To change language or to revoke bot access.
/help: For help.

How to use bot?

Just follow below simple steps.

Click on START to start the bot.

ControllerBot step 1

Send /addchannel and provide your bot token to link your bot.

ControllerBot step 2
ControllerBot step 3

Now add your bot to channel which you want to control.

That's it. Now open your bot, create post and publish to channel.

ControllerBot step 4
ControllerBot step 4

If you want to unlink your bot from controller bot. Send /setting and select delete bot.

ControllerBot step 6

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