Open Bot in Telegram

What can this bot do?

Shieldy - is the best solution in Telegram to fight annoying spammers.
It asks newcomers to execute a set action within a set period, otherwise it kicks them. Its this easy.


/start: To start the bot.
/help shows this message.
/language switches language.
/captcha changes type of captcha used.
/timeLimit changes amount of time given to newcomers.
/lock makes commands accessible only by admins.
/restrict restricts newcomers to send only text messages in the first 24 hours.
/deleteEntryMessages delete messages about user entry.
/greeting greets users who pass the test.
/trust reply with this command to a message sent by user that you dont want to check.
/strict use when you dont want to receive any newcomers messages but captcha solutions until they pass captcha.
/customCaptchaMessage setup custom captcha message.
/deleteGreetingTime setup when to delete Shieldys greeting in seconds like /deleteGreetingTime 100, reset by setting it to 0.
/banUsers whether to ban or to kick users.

How to use bot?

Just follow below simple steps.

Click on START to start the bot.
shieldy_bot step 1
Send /captcha and select the type for new comers.
shieldy_bot step 2
Send /greeting to set greeting message.
shieldy_bot step 3
shieldy_bot step 4

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