Open Bot in Telegram

What can this bot do?

AI-powered security, anti-spam and analytics. Join thousands of groups with millions of members.

Bot can remove spam links, shortened urls, external mentions, forwards, reply keyboard links, unwanted advertising; hide user join and left messages; allow to blacklist words and domains; remove profanity and flood messages; restrict permissions for spammers; stop members from adding spam bots to your group.


/Start: To start the bot.
/antispam - Filter unwanted advertising and restrict spammers.
/antispam_mode - Simple Mode (checks new members only), Advanced Mode (neural network , more accurate and strict).
/ban @username - Quickly restrict user permissions.
/unban @username - Remove restrictions if user is asking you to unban him (or it was a wrong ban).
/noevents - Filter "X joined or left the group" notifications.
/nobots - Protect your group from users who invite spam bots.
/nolinks - Filter messages with links, mentions of unknown members, forwards, reply markup.
/noforwards - Filter messages with a mention of any participants.
/nocontacts - Filter messages with contact numbers of users.
/nolocations - Filter messages containing user locations.
/nocommands - Filter commands from group members.
/nohashtags - Filter messages containing hashtags.
/antiflood - Limit frequent messages (3 per 20 seconds).
/imagefilter - Removes pornographic images.
/profanity - Check for offensive language (English).
/report - Report message or user, helping us building bot filters.
/blacklist - Filter messages containing words from blacklist.
/blacklist_add word - Add word to blacklist.
/blacklist_remove word - Remove word from blacklist.
/blacklist_clear - Clear blacklist.
/whitelist - Safe or common for your group domains.
/whitelist_add domain - Add domain to whitelist.
/whitelist_remove domain - Remove domain from whitelist.
/whitelist_clear - Clear whitelist.

How to use bot?

Just follow below simple steps.

Click on START to start the bot.

ProtectronBot bot step 1

1) Add ProtectronBot to your group.
2) Assign admin permissions (delete messages, ban users).
3) Run /start command in the group.
4) Change settings using /status.

ProtectronBot bot step 2

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