  • Telegram ID   @todo_9_bot
  • Category         Note Bots Personal
  • Status           Online
  • Last verified  Oct 23, 2023

Open Bot in Telegram

What can this bot do?

This bot can help you to create bulleted lists.


/start: To start the bot.
/create title: Create a new list. If you want to add a title write it before the command with the syntax above.
/add text : Add a point to the list. After the command write the text that you want to add.
/done: Puts a checkmark✅ to every point on the list.
/done N: Puts a Checkmark✅ on the Nth point.
/uncheck N: Puts an uncheck symbol (▫️) on the Nth point
/undone: Puts a cross❌ to every point on the list.
/undone N: Puts a red cross on the Nth point.
/remove N: Remove the N point from the list.
/lang: Change language ??.

How to use bot?

Just follow below simple steps.

Click on START to start the bot.

todo_9_bot bot step 1

Send /help, bot will send video instructions on how to use this bot.

todo_9_bot bot step 2

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